Menopause in the Workplace

Our full day course for organisations
Menopausal women are the fastest-growing workplace demographic. According to the Fawcett Society, 77% of women experience one or more symptoms they describe as ‘very difficult’. And, with as many as 1 in 4* considering leaving work during their menopause, it’s a key area for employers to focus on.
Our Menopause in the Workplace course has been designed using the Emotional Needs & Resources approach, a wider lens through which we can consider how the menopause affects people in the workplace.
We will explore what the menopause is (and what it isn’t) and how it affects people within the context of our health and wellbeing. Through breakout rooms and discussion we will look at how organisations can support people affected by the menopause and consider how a menopause policy can support individuals and organisations.
*According to The Menopause Friendly Accreditation.
Menopause in the Workplace will also help you:
- understand the different challenges people experiencing the menopause may face
- learn skills to support colleagues experiencing the menopause
- build an effective menopause policy that will support your organisation

The Menopause in the Workplace course covers:
- Exploring the menopause through the lens of our Emotional Needs & Resources
- A detailed look at the effects of menopause on sleep and how that affects the workplace
- Understanding how to use our innate resources to support colleagues
- Sharing ideas on how to build an effective menopause policy
Excellent presentation. Clear, personalised with plenty of encouragement and questions that challenged me to think of ways in which barriers could be addressed and resolved.
It was a brilliant session. I learnt a lot and learnt it well enough to be able to use it in my work. The trainer was great. She was clear, helpful, and answered all of our questions.
The course was delivered at just the right pace, the trainer was clear and knowledgeable and made time to listen to everyone. I loved the examples and simplicity of the way it was delivered (no acronyms or jargon).
Book Menopause in the Workplace
Select as many places as you need for you and your team on one of our open online courses. Alternatively, you can choose the ‘Whole group session’ option to book an exclusive course for your team.
If you would prefer face-to-face delivery of this workshop, please contact our team to discuss.
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