After training resources

The Essentials manual
The Essentials booklet includes a refresher on the Emotional Needs & Resources and our half-day session, as well as tips to deal with stress, anxiety, depression and more.
This manual can be bought as a bundle with a pack of our Emotional Needs & Resources cards, saving £5.
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Emotional Needs & Resources cards pack
This beautifully-designed pack of cards will help you check-in with your mental health on the go, or spark conversations with others. Each card represents an Emotional Need or Resource, along with the Barriers to meeting those needs.
These cards can be bought as a bundle with The Essentials manual, saving £5.
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Quick tips – Emotional Needs
A set of double-sided A6 pages printed in high quality, covering our 12 Emotional Needs.
On the back, there are practical ‘Quick Tips’ to help you understand and meet each need, giving you another way to discuss and consider wellbeing at work or at home.
Packs are available at £8 each, or 3 for £20.
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Refreshing Skills sessions
Our follow-up sessions for attendees of The Essentials for CPD.
These two-hour refresher sessions cost £300 for up to 10 attendees. To book a session, please contact our team.
Mastering Skills sessions
Our follow-up sessions for attendees of Supporting Mental Health or The Comprehensive Toolkit, for CPD.
Your first session is free, with further sessions costing just £40 per person.
Join our Effective Practitioner Network to receive your invite to join a Mastering Skills.
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Go beyond your training with our resources.
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