Temperature Check

What’s included?
- Emotional Needs Audit for two standard reportable groups, managerial level and department. Suffolk Mind sends the survey link to your main contact who then sends round to organisation
- We supply a written report of the data, analysed by our research team. We deep dive into the areas that are having the biggest negative effects on employee wellbeing
- We supply questions intended to inspire and help you to create practical actions to improve the wellbeing in your organisation, based on the data gathered.
- You will receive an infographic with key themes to support the cascade of the survey results across the organisation
What makes this survey different?
- The Emotional Needs Audit isn’t just any other staff survey. It is useful to each staff member as it is a tool to support them to identify unmet needs, as well as the barriers and supporting factors. This can inform someone of the areas they can improve by making their own small changes
- It involves hearing from the whole organisation enabling your whole team to personally engage with, and take some responsibility for, improving wellbeing for everyone
- The results can identify clear areas for improvement by highlighting common barriers, unmet needs within a team, and what factors do support mental health that are already in place
Why would this help your organisation?
- If you are already receiving The Mental Health Toolkit training, you may want a picture of what’s going on in your organisation as a whole. It could inform what other training you need, or support your trained managers to focus on areas of improvement
- If you are new to us, you can use this as a taster to start your workplace wellbeing journey. It can initially identify immediate areas of need within your organisation to focus on in the future
- While it absolutely works as a standalone, it is most successful for organisations who understand the Emotional Needs and Resources approach (for example if you’ve already completed The Essentials). To get the most out of the survey, use it alongside or in preparation for further training like Supporting Mental Health.
I greatly valued the training delivered by The Mental Health Toolkit. I would recommend it to any organisation that is serious about valuing their employees.
It was superb on all levels. The trainers were excellent – grounded, knowledgeable and approachable. A lot of people have told me they have put the coping techniques from The Mental Health Toolkit training to the test during the very stressful lockdown period, and that they are so grateful for having learned them. I cannot recommend it highly enough! It will enrich and enlighten the team and pave the way for a caring, inclusive and supporting environment in the workplace, as well as help individuals in their private life. It was superb on all levels. The trainers were excellent – grounded, knowledgeable and approachable.
There are many different consultants and companies offering Mental Health training, but I believe that The Mental Health Toolkit are the true specialists and trusted experts in what they do locally. I always feel very confident that they will deliver first class practical training sessions with the most up-to-date information based on the clearest Mental Health Continuum approach.
The Mental Health Toolkit’s plethora of mental health resources and engaging training sessions have greatly supported Treatt’s wellbeing programme over the last year and will continue to do so going forward. The Essentials training has been particularly beneficial to staff, helping them understand their own wellbeing and those of the people around them.
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