The Comprehensive Toolkit

Our 8 module mental health training course
Equip yourself and your team with an effective, practical toolkit of techniques, skills and knowledge. Our training is based on up-to-date research from the fields of mental health psychology, addictions, counselling and social sciences. This course will empower you to support people towards recovery whether they are experiencing stress or any of the mental health challenges that can develop from this.
At The Mental Health Toolkit, we want at least one person from every organisation trained in the skills and techniques from The Comprehensive Toolkit.
Why choose The Comprehensive Toolkit?
The Comprehensive Toolkit provides attendees with an in-depth understanding of mental health, the challenges people face, and why. Alongside this knowledge, we teach effective tools and strategies your team can practise. In turn, they will be able to confidently support someone, and enable them to meet their needs.
The course will enable your team to support people facing a range of mental health challenges, including:
- Stress
- Anxiety disorders, including panic attacks, insomnia and poor sleep
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Addictions
- Depression
- Phobias
- Hallucinations and delusions
- Self-harm
- Suicidal thoughts
Your team will also learn how they can look after their own mental wellbeing whilst supporting clients or colleagues with their mental health.

The Comprehensive Toolkit comprises eight core modules
Half day.
Learn an effective approach to understanding mental health and wellbeing.
- Gain the essential knowledge that underpins emotional health
- Learn an effective approach to understand mental health and wellbeing
- Understand the importance of our emotional needs
- Empower people to maximise their inner resources
- Learn why many people experience poor mental health
- Understand the three barriers to securing good mental health and wellbeing
- Learn the link between sleep and mental health
- Understand the connections between security, trauma and addiction
- Gain an effective tool for measuring wellbeing
How to work effectively with the human brain
- Learn how your brain makes sense of your experiences?
- Understand unconscious patterns in the brain
- Understand the fight-or-flight response
- Recognise the language of strong emotions
- Activate the relaxation response to reduce stress response
- Challenge negative thinking and self-talk
- Learn to recognise and re-frame the 3 Ps
- Maximise the effectiveness of your interventions with up-to-date knowledge
This session will help you understand the human brain and why we each react to things differently.
- Understand the mental health continuum in depth
- Gain knowledge of the signs, symptoms and medication for different mental health conditions
- Dispel myths and unhelpful beliefs around mental health
- Understand the overlap between mental health conditions
- Gain profound insights about the mental health continuum asleep and the REM Sleep
Gain advanced skills to connect with members of the public, clients, patients and team members. Listen out for unmet needs and calm distress. Develop knowledge and confidence around language to enable you to communicate effectively.
- Understand which language to use and which to avoid
- Learn essential skills to listen and re-frame with hope for the future
- Protect yourself from the spiral of negative metaphors and abstractions
- Learn how to stay clear-headed when speaking with people experiencing stress, confusion or anger
- Develop skills to help calm someone safely and effectively
A framework for supporting wellbeing
Bring your skills together with a coherent approach – The RIGAAR framework. This empowering and practical framework will guide conversations which:
- Take clients, patients or colleagues beyond mental ill health
- Support people through sickness and returning to work
- Help people find clarity and support with demands at home and at work
- Identify meaning and purpose to build resilience
- Enable recovery from severe mental ill health and addictions
In this session you will learn effective ways to:
- Fine-tune your rapport-building skills
- Gather concrete information to boost change
- Set collaborative goals which meet needs
- Access your client’s hidden resources
- Agree strategies which boost motivation for change
Use the Emotional Needs & Resources approach to better understand suicide and self-harm.
- Learn how you can offer support and act to keep people safe
- Recognise the links between suicide and self-harm
- Undo unhelpful common misconceptions
- Build your confidence in talking about and responding to suicide and self-harm
- Reflect on your own self care
The Cycle of Addiction
In this session you will gain an understanding of:
- Identify relationships between mental ill health and addiction
- Apply the three components of all successful recovery strategies
- Work with reward and punishment mechanisms in the brain
- Apply the motivational cycle of change
- Spot the addictive component of self-harm and eating disorders
- Understand why self-medicating is so prevalent
- Become more effective at supporting co-morbid conditions
Ethics & Wellbeing
Protect yourself and your organisation from stress and strong emotions which drive toxic attitudes and unhealthy behaviours. In this session you will cover:
- Why ethical practice is rooted in emotional wellbeing
- What an emotionally healthy organisation looks like
- The role of pattern-matching and perception in shaping culture
- How to access your observing self and increase awareness
- Spot the unconscious patterns which shape how we see ourselves and others
The Comprehensive Toolkit course delivery
The Comprehensive Toolkit training programme is delivered in 8 modules, with our open courses taking place over 8 weeks. When booking for a whole group, these can be scheduled flexibly over 6 to 12 months to minimise disruption to your normal service delivery.
Attendees must complete all modules of The Comprehensive Toolkit.
Our next course starts on 11 February 2025. The schedule is as follows:
Module | Date | Time |
The Essentials | 04 March 2025 | 9.30am to 1.30pm |
The APET Model | 11 March 2025 | 9.30am to 3.30pm |
Understanding the Mental Health Continuum | 18 March 2025 | 9.30am to 12.30pm |
Effective Communication | 25 March 2025 | 9.30am to 2pm |
The RIGAAR approach | 01 April 2025 | 9.30am to 4.30pm |
Understanding Suicide & Self-harm | 22 April 2025 | 9.30am to 3.30pm |
The Cycle of Addiction | 29 April 2025 | 9.30am to 1pm |
Ethics & Wellbeing | 06 May 2025 | 9.30am to 12.30pm |
Go beyond your training
Once you have completed The Comprehensive Toolkit, you will be invited to join our Effective Practitioner Network.
We also offer a complementary interactive refresher booklet to help you continue your learning at a time that suits you.
The Comprehensive Toolkit has a 91 Net Promoter Score.
This means over 9 in 10 people would go out of their way to recommend this course to friends, family or colleagues.
I am very grateful that I was able to attend this course as I feel much more confident now. Before I was OK holding meetings, but I feel its more structured now and I am not frantically researching before a meeting on the do’s and don’ts etc. Even the techniques on calming someone who is distressed I have been able to use in my Cub Leader role, as we have a young girl that attends and suffers from anxiety.
The message from this training was clear and uncomplicated about how we should communicate and support those with mental health difficulties in our workplace and at home with our friends and family. I came away from this training with a newfound enthusiasm and goal to bring what I had learnt to as many work colleagues as possible. This training has now been rolled out to our Leadership Team, Extended Leadership Team (Managers), Leadership Forum (Supervisors), Wellbeing Champions and this month we are training our Level 5 (Team Leaders) and First Aiders.
Since the training sessions, I have noticed such a difference to our younger workers, who feel they can speak openly and honestly about mental health, because they know they will be listened to, given the right support and signposted to our 24hr Helpline or other outside professionals. It’s about courage and trust and knowing that we can all move along the mental health continuum and that we can all recover especially when the right support skills are used.
I will definitely be recommending this programme to colleagues, and also to my wider HR network. I wish I had this training years ago!
Book The Comprehensive Toolkit
Select as many places as you need for you and your team on one of our open online courses. Alternatively, you can choose the ‘Whole group session’ option to book an exclusive course for your team.
If you would prefer face to face delivery of this course, please contact us to discuss.
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