Case Studies


Nicole at Crafted explains why her organisation includes The Mental Health Toolkit: The Essentials as part of their induction process, to support workplace wellbeing from the get-go.

The Mental Health Toolkit partners with organisations to help them go beyond their initial training, by embedding our approach to mental health within their workplace.

One such organisation is Crafted, a digital marketing agency founded in 2008. Their 80-strong team share the company’s values: Go Deliver, Go Together, Go Beyond. 

Having engaged with our training programme since 2018 Crafted have now gone beyond their initial sessions to include The Essentials as “an integral part of our induction process and ongoing staff training.”

The Essentials is our half-day workshop that introduces attendees to the Emotional Needs & Resources approach. It helps team members to:

  • Get a clearer understanding of mental health
  • Learn how to support themselves and others
  • Contribute to a healthier workplace
A large group of people in a modern office setting wave to the camera

Pictured: the Crafted team attending our Introduction to The Mental Health Toolkit session in May 2023

Nicole Noble, People & Culture Manager, spoke to us about why Crafted chose to include The Essentials workshop as part of their induction process.

Our partnership with The Mental Health Toolkit has spanned several years and we’ve the adopted The Essentials as an integral part of our induction process and ongoing staff training.

Nicole Noble, Crafted's People & Culture Manager

"Mental health shouldn’t be an afterthought, which is why we’ve embedded The Essentials training right at the start of staff onboarding, within our induction process. Just as new joiners will get the chance to learn about all the services at Crafted, they also get an induction for mental health.

"The Essentials equips our team with the knowledge of how to attain healthy mental wellbeing and allows them to identify when something may need attention. By including it in our induction plan, it helps new joiners understand the emphasis we put on wellbeing within the agency, prompting a positive and open culture around mental health.

"We are very lucky to have access to a training programme like The Mental Health Toolkit, who are invested in helping our team learn about their mental health.

"Session feedback from across the business is always positive and they serve as a valuable reminder to take a step back and consider our own mental health more regularly."

Find out more about our suite of workplace wellbeing workshops and courses by exploring the Toolkit.

And, if you’d like to embed wellbeing in your workplace by include our training as part of your induction process, please contact our team.

Speak to us today